ESDC Training Programme
ESDC Courses mainly aim to build capacity of European staff for peace operations, but are equally open to professionals from the UN, AU, OSCE, NATO and other international organisations and partners.
The ESDC provides EU-level training and education, in the field of the Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). It was founded in 2005 and has since contributed to harmonise and standardise training curricula in order to ensure the necessary capacity levels mainly for international staff working in CSDP missions, but are also open for other international professionals working as partners of CSDP missions in peace support operations.
The inputs of over 150 academic partner institutions from all 27 EU member states contribute to develop the ESDC training programme in regular meetings and ensure joint member state ownership.
To read more about ESDC, click here.
Over 100 courses per year are running under the ESDC programme.
Austria has ever since the foundation of the ESDC in 2005 contributed significantly to its development and professionalisation.

In the average, Austria runs and funds about one third of all ESDC courses per year, out of which five are organised and implemented by the ACP.