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Manifesto Homeland Earth

For Planetary Thinking and Feeling, Planning and Acting

This manifesto is the centrepiece of the campaign "Homeland Earth | Terre Patrie". It is inspired by the book of the same name by the great French sociologist and philosopher Edgar Morin, who will celebrate his 100th birthday on 8 July 2021 and to whom crucial insights of this text are owed (Morin/Kern 1999). It is a proposal that is to be continuously discussed, enriched and improved as a "work in progress" during the 2021 campaign by all interested parties.

"Homeland Earth" does not merely mean the statement of an existing fact, but also the definition of a necessary goal: It is a matter of changing the existing unjust world order through diverse acts of global solidarity in such a way that a new policy of living together can cope with the great challenges of humanity and organise a good, sustainable life for all - that therefore Homeland Earth is shaped in such a way that all people can actually feel at home.

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Comments (7)

Kofler Gerhard
at 06.10.2021
Den Frieden auf den Boden bringen, vom Diskutieren zum Tun im Alltag - überall: Am Arbeitsplatz, in der Freizeit, in den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und in der Familie. Und sich gegen Ungerechtigkeit, Ignoranz und Aggression gewaltfrei, aber bestimmt, wehren.

Sadhu Ram Tamang
at 01.09.2021
Together, let us make this planet home for All!

Weber Susanne
at 14.06.2021
Nicht nur umdenken sondern vor allem auch um-fühlen - Mitgefühl!

Nahrada Franz
at 14.06.2021
Only the shift of our attention to rural areas, local communities, circular economies and a massive relocalisation of production in closed cycles as well as cultural autonomy and global co-operation will create the conditions for Homeland Earth.

Voggenreiter Valerie
at 02.04.2021
Grenzüberschreitende Solidarität und Kooperation sind die besten Instrumente, um eine friedliche Weltgesellschaft zu fördern und zu kultivieren.

Nagavci Naser
at 02.04.2021
Aspects of the poly-crisis are perfectly depicted and defined

Congrats to ASPR for this great initiative

at 01.04.2021
Being homeless is not an option