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Initiatives and Activities

Teamwork for Planetary Thinking and Feeling, Planning and Acting

Following pages might be available only in German or English, depending on the language the initiative/activity is implemented in.

Activities of the partners

Abendgebet für die Erde CONCENTRUM     More

Value-based Sustainable Development of Education CONFERENCE IN UKRAINE    More

Frieden in der Pandemie - Pandemija in mir RADIO AGORA 105,5   More

26th International Summer University – The Global “Entangoment” of Central Europe, Kőszeg, Hungary    More

The Future of Europe is the future of Homeland Earth Interview with Gudrun Kramer    More

Congress of the Future 100 ANS Edgar Morin - TERRE PATRIE    More

Weg?e in die Zukunft Interaktive Ausstellung / Labyrinth INFORM Oberwart   More

Frieden ist möglich - aber sicher! Tagung des Internationalen Versöhnungsbundes in Linz   More

Open Letter to Youth from Werner Wintersteiner & Alfredo Pena-Vega  More

Lettre ouverte aux jeunes Werner Wintersteiner & Alfredo Pena-Vega   More

Présentation du projet d’exposition internationale Terre Patrie - Table ronde: Alfredo Pena Vega &Werner Wintersteiner  More

Encuentro Mundial Educar para la vida - Education for “Homeland Earth”. Peace Education as Global Citizenship Education, Werner Wintersteiner  More

Heimatland Erde. Ein Plädoyer für eine planetare Politik Vortrag - Online & Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Werner Wintersteiner    More

Education for Homeland Earth Framework to Mainstream Global Citizenship Education – The Austrian Experience  More

Peace Conference - Give Peace a Chance Homeland Earth - Video    More