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Become a supporting member of the ACP and contribute to its wide-ranging and meaningful work.

Despite the broad spectrum of funding sources on which the ACP relies, there is a noticeable decline in funding, be it due to inflation or a shift towards defence funding within government sources. However, precisely because of the current increase in conflicts - 2023 was the deadliest year in terms of armed conflict since the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 - peace work that can establish long-lasting peace is more important than ever.  

Whether it is the peace education projects, the international training courses for experts in crisis areas, the worldwide conflict resolution activities or the re-establishment of a university in Stadtschlaining: we hope for your support!

Tina Madl - PR Manager

E-Mail: communication(at)ac4p.at

As a supporting ACP member, you can choose the amount of your membership fee yourself and receive:

  • A membership card, which gives you a 20% discount on admission to the exhibition at Schlaining Castle (after its reopening in 2024)
  • The current annual report of the ACP

Become a supporting member in four steps:
EU bank account 
No EU bank account