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The European Union’s Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) is a three-year project funded by the European Union under the conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness component of its Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). The project builds on its predecessor ENTRi and reports to EUCTG, the Council’s Civilian Training Group.

EUCTI’s overarching goal is to improve the EU’s position as a peace actor while contributing to improving human security and the life of people living in the crisis-prone regions and conflict-affected societies. Central to achieving this ambition is to enhance the quality of training provided to those individuals joining the crisis management missions – either civilian crisis management (CCM) missions or civilian elements of integrated missions. Staff capacity-development is considered essential to the successful fulfilment of mission mandates, be they European CSDP, UN, AU or other international crisis management missions.

The project has, thus, formulated the following three concrete results as part of its intervention logic:

  • Efficiently trained personnel of the civilian missions in Europe, Africa and Middle East (through standardized training activities, coordination of training providers and operations in continuous dialogue with the relevant stakeholders).
  • Enhanced capacity of (member) states and international organisations to deploy specialized and highly prepared personnel to EU CSDP missions and other international civilian crisis management missions.
  • Improved harmonisation and coherence of civilian training activities in Europe and beyond.

A consortium of eight renowned organisations/training institutions with sound knowledge and expertise in designing and delivering civilian crisis management trainings has been tasked with working towards achieving the above results.

ACP’s contribution will comprise 1) the development of training curricula on current topics including the HDP nexus approach, 2) the planning and delivery of tried and tested training curricula (both in-country and in a blended fashion) including on SSR and Gender, Peace & Security, as well as 3) leading the working group on training evaluation. ACP is also prepared to deliver additional trainings, yet to be determined, where and when the need arises.


Programme Manager - Monika Psenner

E-Mail: psenner(at)ac4p.at

Phone: +43 699 1431 19 19

Project Administration Officer - Claudia Hofer

E-Mail: hofer(at)ac4p.at

Phone: +43 3355 2498 DW 507

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