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ESDC Core Course on Security Sector Reform (SSR)

The course addresses civilian, military, police and correction services personnel that already is or will be tasked with SSR activities.

forthcoming COURSES

next course from 28 March to 3 April 2025 in Vienna, Austria

will open for application in due time

Participants are provided with a comprehensive overview on the concepts, strategies and actors of SSR. They learn about the approaches of international organisations with a focus on the EU approach to SSR and will be familiarised with the main pillars of SSR such as defence, police, intelligence, judiciary, and integrated border management. Moreover, cross-cutting issues such as gender, human rights, the role of civil society, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), as well as the impact of the proliferation of small arms and light weapons are discussed. In-depth knowledge on SSR and its hands-on implementation is provided through exercises, case studies and the discussion of best practices. The Core Course furthermore stresses the importance of cooperation among stakeholders from different segments of the security sector.

The course is co-organized by the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence in the framework of the Academic Programme of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) and conducted in cooperation with the International Security Sector Advisory Team of the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF/ISSAT).

Target group
For mid- to senior level practitioners 

Previous knowledge on SSR

In Cooperation with